Monday, October 27, 2014

Shower Curtain - Care & Maintenance

Simple Care & Maintenance Tips for an Ever-fresh Shower Curtain :

1. Rinse the inside of the curtain with water after every shower to get rid of accumulated soap residues or dirt. 

2. Always leave the shower curtain pulled, having no folds, to allow quick and easy drying.

3. Never leave them pulled off to one side of the rod. The folds of the curtain will trap moisture or water, leading to the growth of mould and mildew. Doing so would also lead to developing unpleasant odour.

4. After every shower, either leave the windows open or exhaust on for a while. Proper ventilation helps the curtain dry faster.

5. Make sure you wash the shower curtain once or twice a month using detergent. But, before doing so, read the wash  instruction label on the curtain or packing carefully.

6. Adding a little fabric softener at the end of every wash will help maintain freshness.

7. Fabric  Shower Curtains are the best for easier care, drying and washing. 

Hope this has been a helpful read. If you feel something important has been left out, kindly add that on in the comment bar below. :)

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